Global Trade House is one of the top traders of goods and commodities in the Gambia.

We offer wholesale, retail, and informal trade options, and cater to a diverse range of customers providing them with the products they need.

What we do

We offer wholesale, retail, and informal trade options, and cater to a diverse range of customers providing them with the products they need.

Our core focus

Is service delivery and providing quality products that promote healthy living

At Global Trade House we have regular quality control measures, strict sourcing guidelines, and effective supply chain management that contribute to maintaining our high standards

Any questions? Get in touch with us today to see how we can help your business.

Who we are

Importing these staple food items

Importing these staple food items ensures that there is a steady supply in the local market, benefiting both consumers and businesses. Rice, oil, sugar, and mill flour are vital ingredients in many cuisines and are consumed on a daily basis by people in The Gambia.

By focusing on delivering quality products, we are ensuring that customers have access to safe and nutritious food options.
